Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas to all There's a Blog in my Soup Readers!

(My Original Blog Post: http://www.theresabloginmysoup.com/ho-ho-ho-merry-christmas-to-all-theres-a-blog-in-my-soup-readers/)
Well it has been a long eventful year, as far as historical years it has definitely been one for the record books.

From the recession, to the presidential elections and more. This will definitely be a year many people remember for years to come.

I would like to take a moment and give a gratituitous holiday greeting to all of my readers, friends, and fellow bloggers. This blog is a major success thanks to all of you, without your support I could never be a full-time blogger.

I appreciate all that you have done for me, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or another holiday this season I wish you the best in your celebrations, and hope that everything goes safely for you this season.

I also wish you a happy new year, and good luck!

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