Calling ALL Mormon Democrats!

I'm looking for Mormon Democrat Bloggers. If you write about politics and being Mormon - I need your help.

Please just link to this blog in your blogroll, and leave a comment here and I will do the same. Let's share the link love. You can use Patrick Curl / LDS Democrat, or Patrick Curl The Mormon Democrat, or just LDS Democrat, or Mormon Democrat.

I appreciate your help w/ this.

Best Wishes,
Patrick Curl - The Mormon Democrat
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Jeff said...

Hi Patrick

There are more of us out here than one would think. Our POLITIKA is much more Christian than the elephant people. I am so excited about a return to our nations greatness & values as well as compassion and responsible government.

Elise said...

Hi, my name is Elise Pringle and I came across your blog on a google search. I am also a Mormon democrat along with my husband (a recently converted independent) and older brothers. I struggle with the many who feel the LDS religion has some sort of tie with the republican party. I truly believe the democratic party encompasses many more of our beliefs. Its nice to know I'm alone and you aren't either!