Does the Book of Mormon support blind nationalism? Should we blindly follow our leaders without questioning? Isn't that how the Nazi regime began?
We are taught that the gospel is a gospel of peace, that war is wrong, unless necessary, and that the ONLY time war is necessary is when it is brought to your land, then only in the defense of yourselves, your wives, and your liberty do you have the right to fight.
When a leader lies and stirs up the hearts of men to support a war, when we fight an enemy that did not attack us, an enemy that doesn't even have a name, are we living according to the gospel?
It says over and over that we shall not fight unless we are fought. I've done my due diligence as each of you who reads this should. I believe there is a time for war, and there's a time for peace. I believe that before you should step in the middle of a fight between two neighbors who've been fighting for 1000 years, that maybe you should repair the damages of your own home.
This war was started because of lies, this is common knowledge. Nobody even questions anymore if our leader should remain our leader, even after he lied, they just accept it and move on. I thought America was founded on the principles of standing up and fighting for the right. I fear that Pride is going to destroy us.
According to the Book of Mormon, the biggest Nephite weakness was Pride. The cycle of pride usually follows this cycle -> First you humble yourself, then God grants you some comforts and gives you blessings, those blessings and prosperity lead you to becoming prideful, and then God humbles you again. If you could have prosperity and remain humble there would be no need for him to humble us, but mankind has always been slow to remember God. Even slower now-a-days.
I would support this war fully, if our Leader had a mandate from the people, if everyone supported it or even a large percent believed that we were there for a reason, and if this war was not started because of a lie. Satan is the father of lies, and deception, if our leader, perhaps the most powerful person in the free world, lies and deceives the people, does that not make this war a satan led battle? Does that not mean our leader is influenced by satan?
The fact that less than 30% believe in this war, and ALL of the military's best leaders have said that a surge in troops will NOT turn the tide, so why bother. Maybe we need to bite our lip, swallow our pride, and come home. This war is a failure, there's nobody who will disagree to that statement. Let's be prudent now, pride could destroy us, we have bigger worries.
Let's bring our troops home, and strengthen our own borders, repair our streets. Let's work on the real problems, like poor healthcare, poverty, homelessness, a failing education system, the economy, let's work to revitalize America, and bring back the American dream. As stated in a movie once before "There was a dream that was America, lets have it be realized". I believe not one person should be homeless, uneducated, or in poverty in America, and if there are people that are then why the hell are we fighting for? Shouldn't we take care of our own? Shouldn't make sure every human being in our borders, legal or not is taken care of? Shouldn't we make sure that our borders are secure? If 3000 illegals can enter our country over the border each month, how hard is it for terrorists? Not very.
Let's re-examine things, we were wrong, when you're wrong, you can be a child and protest that you're not, blame it on someone else, or you can be a man and say, "yes, I messed up. I take full responsibility for messing up. I'm sorry, let me fix it the best of my ability, if any of you have any idea's I would greatly appreciate your help, and I would beseech of your forgiveness, and know that I make mistakes too."
I beseech of you Mr. Bush - be a man, and fess up, by asking forgiveness and overcoming pride, and letting us know that you know that you're not God's own son, that you're not perfect, that you do make mistakes. For the sake of all the families of the fallen, and the soldiers who are still in Iraq, be a MAN Mr. Bush, realize your weaknesses, and repent.
I've prayed and have a testimony that this war is not of God, he does NOT support this war, he hardly supports any war, and he ONLY supports those who are in the defense of theirselves, not those who brought war as we did. He loves all people and is no respecter of persons, they may not have the true religion, or gospel as I see it or someone else in America sees it, but he still loves them. Regardless of what they believe in, he loves all his children.
I end this post and testify to these things in the name of my Savior - Jesus Christ. Amen.