6 Easy ways to get more Subscribers.

(My Original Blog Post: -*http://www.theresabloginmysoup.com/6-easy-ways-to-get-more-subscribers/)

6 Techniques to get more RSS Subscribers to your Blog!

1. Comment on someone's blog who has as many or nearly as many subscribers as you do - Tell them you've subscribed to their blog. They may reciprocate - a lot will.

2. Ask your Readers to subscribe. Make it easy and blatant. If people see links asking to subscribe all over the place then they're more likely to subscribe.

3. Write Guest Posts for other Bloggers. This is a great way to get new subscribers - instead of puting your link in your bio, put a link to your feed url.

4. Bribes are always welcome. Offer something nice to your readers if they subscribe to your blog. This is always a good method to get new RSS readers.

5. Build your network, and then ask your network periodically to subscribe to your rss feed.

6. Start Podcasting. Podcasts are great ways to get more traffic, and get the word out about your blog. It's also a great way to get new rss subscribers.

These are just a few methods - what's your favorite method of bringing in new subscribers?

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