The results are in: Dixville Notch votes for Change.

(My Original Blog Post:

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="202" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]The Balsams, a resort hotel in Dixville Notch ...[/caption]

Not that it really matters, but Dixville Notch New Hampshire. A podunk town in New Hampshire, Dixville Notch has cast it's votes for Obama(I mean podunk in the nicest way).

How many votes you ask? Well, eh... Obama got 15 votes and Mccain got 6 votes.

This isn't really indicative of much, except that not many democrats have won Dixville Notch in the past, which could mean more rural support for Obama, than originally thought. However it's still a little early to call it in his favor over Dixville Notch.

I kinda like the name Dixville Notch, definitely an interesting and provacative name for a town. How would you like to live in 'Dixville'..sound it out...

I just hope that this is a good omen for Obama. I voted on the 2nd of October, and am thankful I don't have to wait in the lines tomorrow, but if I had to, I would. It has never been more important time to vote.

Now is the most historical election of our lives, perhaps of the entire United States History. You can be a part of it - but only if you vote.

Also if anybody tells you to vote by phone, or that you'll be arrested if you have outstanding tickets, or that you'll disrupt your financial aid if you vote, or that Wedsneday is the real day for you to vote-- IGNORE THEM.. Report them to the authorities. It should be considered TREASON to take away people's right to vote.

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