Is Do-Follow commenting Dead as a link-building Strategy?

(My Original Blog Post:

Is Do-follow in Comments Dead?

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Image by shawnblog via Flickr"]dofollow[/caption]

This is primarily heresay, and only the opinion of one blog - but they tend to have some highly informative articles.

I was reading a very interesting post from SEO 2.0 entitled "Commenting on DoFollow-blogs as a link building Strategy".

The blog asks the question whether do-follow in comments matters anymore.

According to SEO 2.0 they say it doesn't matter anymore. Apparently google is an intelligent beast, and knows whether a link is in the blog post, comments, sidebar, or footer.

Comments and footer are devalued largely, where as the link may appear on a PR 4 blog it might only provide a PR 2 or even PR 1 benefit.

So is it worth it to waste your time commenting for hours on end?

I think that link-building or gaming of google is dead.

At least traditional methods, I think the better way to get search engine traffic is via a combination of writing high trend posts via google trends, writing seasonal articles that will bring traffic year after year, and being sure to link out to other blogs to get pingbacks.

Content is still king - don't waste time commenting - write, write, write.

I stick to my guns on this point. If you're not writing a blog post now, you're probably not making money. You should always be writing, or looking for something to write about.

The one factor that all the Rich bloggers share is they are always writing new content. They have over 1000 articles and counting. They keep content coming.

The best way to get ranked by the search engines is to be unique, and keep writing unique content.

Don't give up, and don't stop writing!

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